Today at Santa Anita, Daily Racing Form handicapper Brad Free almost pulled off a clean sweep of the eight-race card. But for a nose loss with MS ZENNA’S ROYAL, Free would have pulled off the elusive feat, the Holy Grail for public handicappers. It’s been done before, including not too long ago by Jack Karlik and Mike Superstein (on different days) but it’s still a hell of an accomplishment. Free made his selections on Sunday (72 hours before post time), without knowing track condition, scratches, potential biases, etc. He had good opinions on seven winners, only four of which were favored, and got beat a dirty nose in his lone defeat.

As a group, we public handicappers work hard to give out winners, along with value and, hopefully, some insightful commentary. But Brad works as hard or harder than any of us in the press box. He keeps great records and puts in a ton of research to come up with his daily selections and analysis. His column is consistently filled with pertinent statistical tidbits that can be very useful to the player. On his segment of the nightly replay show called “Additional Advantage”, he has nailed a number of good winners at this meet, including a $28.60 winner named EYE CANDY SANDI on Jan. 6.

Ironically, Free’s huge day came right after some corwardly morons in the Del Mar forum had ripped him about never giving out a winner. His picks were automatic throw outs, one said. First of all, what an idiotic statement from some wannabe handicapper who wouldn’t know the first thing about making selections for print 48-72 hours in advance of the actual race. Secondly, how brave some of these chat forum people are, hiding behind anonymous user names and sophomoric pictures. Here’s a suggestion to those “brave” souls out there. Use your real name, put your own picks up for public scrutiny 48 hours in advance, then keep track of your results for everyone to see. If any one of these chat room whiz kids can beat Free for a meet, it’s dinner on me at Pamplemousse Grille this summer.

Can someone in track managment explain to me why the 3rd race taken off the turf today? Especially after the track was “hit” with less than a quarter inch of rain? Wouldn’t a good dousing from the sprinklers put that much water on the grass? Don’t get it.

Eight different trainers and jockeys won today.

NORWAY HOUSE was claimed out of his sixth straight race, this time by Jeff Mullins. Speaking of claims, DA SVEDONYA is in desperate need of a freshening. She has been campaigned hard without a break and it is starting to show. Will she get the needed time off from new trainer Steve Knapp?

To view a Free Sample of today’s Premium Plays, click on the link below: Premium Plays for Jan. 31 Â



One Response to “Nose Away from a Sweep”

  1. Marquez on February 2nd, 2007 8:56 am

    Nice looking Blog, congratulations. I find this posting a bit strange though. The Del Mar Forum has their share of quirky people, but differing opinions is what make a forum work. To call out someone because he thinks Brad Free’s picks are bad, sounds like a “good ol boys” network in play. Also the 48-72 hour advance picks is a bit lame as an excuse for picking losers. Public handicappers know what they are getting into, if you feel you can’t give out quality information then don’t do the job.
    The Del Mar Fans Forum certainly has some “characters” most forums do, but if there is a better one out there, please let me know.

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