One trainer and one jockey ended prolonged losing streaks on Wednesday.

Gary Mandella saddled his first winner of the meet when French invader SWEET TRAVEL took the 3rd race over unlucky favorite THEVERYTHOUGHTOF U. Mandella ended a zero-for-24 skein after running second four times at the meet.

Tyler Baze, who incidentally rode (to use that term loosely) THEVERYTHOUGHTOF U, finally busted out of his 0-for-30-something streak (one for 70-something) when first-time starter READY MAID romped home in the 5th. As I mentioned in Saturday’s posting, Baze has been terrible lately but I had no idea that his losing streak had reached such proportions.

Victor Espinoza won a pair, one aboard sharp JUST A TWITT, who paid quick dividends off the Monteleone claim and was tagged out of the race by Bob Hess, Sr. Espinoza still trails leading man Gomez by 11 winners (50-39).

COBALT BLUE returned to the races in smart style, scoring from slightly off the pace for owner Merv Griffin and trainer Doug O’Neill in the 2nd race. The son of Golden Missile acts like he wants to run long but it seems too late in the going to get on the Kentucky Derby Trail. O’Neill has had big-time success in races like the WinStar and Indiana derbies, so perhaps that’s the path ‘BLUE will take.

Art Sherman on SIREN LURE, who will run in Saturday’s San Carlos: “He’s got to sit and make one run, and it would help if he could save some ground,” Sherman said. “You’ve got to save ground around the turn. You can’t be four and five wide and give another horse that many lengths. You’ve got to ride a heads-up race. I rode for 23 years and if you’re wide turning for home, that can mean five lengths. You can’t keep riding the same kind of race and get the money when it’s going to be close. I think racing luck and riding a good race is going to be a big factor.” Pretty good explanation of why Migliore will be taking over for Solis.

In Sunday’s post, I noted that the O’Neills claimed SLOW N EASY off Ron Ellis. There was a three-way shake for the horse, which explains a lot. Claiming off friends is kosher when you know there are other claims in for that horse.

Racing lost a good friend with the passing of Trudy McCaffery. Owner, breeder, horse enthusiast, member of the Oak Tree board, supporter of Kids to the Cup. She will be missed.

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