When a jockey wins three in a day it’s a nice accomplishment but nothing totally out of the ordinary. When a trainer does it, especially one with limited starters, it’s a great accomplishment. David Hofmans went a perfect three-for-three on the Sunday card, sending out winners GREG’S GOLD, LEVEL RED and DESERT CODE. All three won comfortably as Hofmans jumped into the top 10 in the standings. Congratulations on a great day.

David Flores rode three winners on the card, starting with GREG’S GOLD in the 2nd race, followed by BEDLAM BERTIE (my radio play, along with Jonathan Hardoon, on Mike Willman’s show) in the featured Sensational Star and concluding with first-time starter HONETTE, who overcame some traffic trouble to break her maiden in impressive style (6th race). Flores, who is riding with extreme confidence, ranks third in the standings and second in stakes wins at the meet.

Another jockey who deserves a mention is Richard Migliore, who rode a pair of winners today and currently ranks fourth in the standings with 21 winners. The Mig is a rock-solid rider who adds a touch of class to the jock’s room. The personable New Yorker reportedly wants to stay in California on a year-round basis if he can get his wife and kids to sign off on the deal.

Leading man Garrett Gomez, who is suffering from a flu-like illness, was off all mounts again today after taking off after Saturday’s first race. He is named on eight horses tomorrow.

Here’s a tidbit to leave you with, done in the old Jim Healy radio show format: Which prominent trainer, who consistently claims that he doesn’t gamble, recently left a $27,000 voucher in one of the self serve machines and didn’t realize it until he had left the track? By the time this prominent trainer called the mutuel department the ticket had been cashed and paid out to an unknown patron (oooh eee). This prominent trainer will try to get some of his money back in tomorrow’s Buena Vista Handicap. Â

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