Apparently trainer J. C. (Jennie) Green is more than just a pretty face. Celebrating her training victory of QUIPPI (6th race on Wednesday) at The Derby restaurant last night, things got rough after she was involved in an altercation with one of the patrons. Anonymous sources have told me that Jennie turned over a table or two on her way to the offending party, which resulted in her being escorted out of the place by Arcadia’s finest. I’m told an arrest was made but no time was spent in the Greybar Hotel (other favorite terms include “the shade”, “hoosegow” and “Big House”). I’ll go out on a limb and take a wild guess that alcohol may have been involved.

Green, who was formerly a waitress at Santa Anita’s Sirona restaurant, got her start in the training game by tutoring under Julio Canani. She has been out on her own for a year or two and has had moderate success. Like most who run afoul of the law these days, look for Jennie to enroll in some kind of alcohol education/treatment program and anger management classes. Why not, it seems to works for everyone else.

Two riding wins for Saul Arias, who’s had a quiet meet compared to his longshot bonanza here last year…Jeff Mullins got two training wins with favorites YODELEN DAN and EL GATO FAMOSO…impressive feature-race win by CANTABRIA, who might develop into an important horse for Frankel…old pro DEBONAIR JOE got back into the winner’s circle yesterday. He’s been everything from a Grade I winner to a mid-grade claimer while banking over $550,000 in his long career…loved the way juvenile filly STAR OF MUQTARIB won the opener despite breaking a few lengths slow. She acts like a very nice Cal-bred for trainer Frank Monteleone, who is having an outstanding meet.

BORDONARO will skip Saturday’s Potrero Grande after drawing the rail post. He will ship to Oaklawn for Friday’s Count Fleet Handicap, which he won last year.

In today’s Santa Anita notes, trainer Bill Currin laments all the time his Derby hopeful STORMELLO has spent on airplanes, estimated at about 40 hours in his two cross-country trips to Florida and back. Didn’t Currin figure this out before planning the trips? And now STORMELLO is back training at Hollywood Park, which would mean a third flight if he goes to Kentucky. We said this going in, but why didn’t he stay home and run in Saturday’s Santa Anita Derby, which is coming up very light. Talk about mismanagement–this horse has no shot in Louisville.

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