It happened again today. As the horses were in the walking ring for the 8th race, Trevor Denman made the announcement that BORN TO COMMAND was racing as a gelding. I believe he worded it as a “regular” gelding (meaning there was a mistake in the program) but after checking my old programs, that, too, was a mistake. ‘COMMAND raced as a colt in his most recent start on Oct. 6. In Sunday’s 2nd race, the late announcement was made that ARE YOU POSITIVE had been gelded since his last start. As handicappers know, this “equipment” change (known as the Ultimate Equipment Change) can be instrumental in turning around a horse’s form.

It is simply unacceptable that this continues to happen. Wagering has started. Rolling, multi-race bets are in full swing. Whether it’s the trainer at fault for not reporting or the racing office for screwing up the paperwork, someone needs to be held accountable. My first thought is that the horse should be automatically scratched, regardless of who’s at fault. If it’s the trainer, fine him $1,000. If it’s the racing office, suspend that worker without pay for a few days. After each of those happen one time, guess what? You will never have the problem again.

I’m told by CHRB spokesman Mike Marten that this issue will be addressed at the next board meeting on Feb. 21. Also, according to Marten, the board will never go for the idea of scratching a runner simply because of the late announcement. Along with Bob Mieszerski of the L.A. Times, I have been asked to speak on behalf of horseplayers at that meeting. I would love input from readers on possible solutions and remedies to the problem prior to going before the Board. Count that runner as an automatic “winner” in rolling bets, no matter where it finishes? Include in consolation payoffs for daily doubles and Pick 3′s? I have some ideas but want to come to the meeting armed and ready as I get the opportunity to speak for the betting public. Please post your ideas and comments!

Today, two winners for David Cohen, who, as we mentioned earlier, has parted ways with agent Nick Cosato. Little Nick will take over for Michael Baze, so look for that rider to get an opportunity with some of the bigger barns (aka Doug O’Neill).

Both Pick 4′s paid huge overlays today. The early Pick 4 returned $585, more than twice the parlay of $268. And the late Pick 4 paid $1,121, nearly twice the parlay of $565. There is still great value in this wager, especially with decent field size.

To view a Free Sample of today’s Premium Plays, click on the link below: Premium Plays for Feb. 7


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